World Kiss Day
6 July 2015 is International Kissing Day or World Kiss Day. The idea behind the International Kissing Day is that many people may have forgotten the simple pleasures associated with kissing for kissing's sake, as opposed to kissing as mere social formality or prelude to other activities. Kissing can be an enjoyable experience in and of itself. It is an expression and experience of intimacy. International Kissing Day is not as commercialized as Valentine's Day.
Think of your first kiss ... was it all you expected and a treasured memory or were you too nervous to really care?
Think of your sweetest kiss ... a kiss from your child? A thank you kiss from your closest friend? And think of all those supposedly meaningless kisses.
How to Celebrate?
*Steal kisses from your sweetheart throughout the day. Sometime the best way to tell someone you care is to give him or her a quick peck on the cheek.
*Also remember to avoid onions or garlic that day, unless you want your loved one to celebrate Avoid Kisses From Your Loved One Day! :))